
Showing posts from April 19, 2024

The Lost Child- CLASS-IX- An analytical description in English

  The Lost Child -Mulk Raj Anand THEME OF THE STORY: The story revolves around the parental love and innocence of childhood. It explains about the familial bonds. ORIGINAL TEXT: - IT was the festival of spring. From the wintry shades of narrow lanes and alleys emerged a gaily clad humanity. Some walked, some rode on horses, others sat, being carried in bamboo and bullock carts. One little boy ran between his father’s legs, brimming over with life and laughter. Wintery shade- chilling state Lanes and alleys- narrow roads often found in rural areas Emerged – came out Gaily- in a cheerful way Clad- dressed Brimming over- full of something EXPLANATION: - The story begins with the arrival of spring, a season of celebration and joy. People are no more experiencing chilly weather. Hence, with colorful dresses they are coming out of their houses to enjoy the early spring.   In fact, they are going to a fair through different modes. Some are walking, some are riding