
Showing posts from April, 2024

The Road Not Taken- CLASS-IX- An analytical description in English

The Road Not Taken. -Robert Frost Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveller, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Diverged- separated from another rout Yellow wood- a forest with yellow leaves Undergrowth- a dense growth of shrubs and other plants This poem describes a moment of decision and reflection we face in our life. The poet finds himself in a wooded area with two paths splitting off from each other. Here, yellow woods represent autumn, a season of transition. Being a single traveller he cann’t travel both the road. He has to make a choice to take a road out of the two. It reflects our experience of making choices in our real life. As the speaker is a single person he can not explore both the path simultaneously. He was in a dilemma to choose right path. In fact, right choice brings success in life. The speaker looks down one of the paths as far as he can see. But, eventually the

The Ant and The Cricket- CLASS-VIII- An analytical description in English

  The Ant and The Cricket. -Aesop This poem is a fable where animals talk like human beings. It bears an important message for those who refrain from doing hard works. This poem emphasizes the importance of responsibility. It also signifies the importance of foresight. It teaches us the lesson of hard work. A silly young cricket, accustomed to sing Through the warm, sunny months of gay summer and spring, Began to complain when he found that, at home, His cupboard was empty, and winter was come. Silly- Accustomed- Gay- Cupboard- A silly young cricket spends its time singing joyfully and dancing merrily throughout the bright weathers of summer and spring. The environment was so mystical that It remained busy experiencing the beauty of nature. Never it worried about the uncertain future. However, when winter arrives, he finds nothing in its store house. Now, the cricket faces with challenge of surviving in bitter cold. Hence, the cricket began to express its pain. Not a crumb to be found

Squirrel- CLASS-VII- An analytical description in English

Squirrel. -Mildred Bowers Armstrong "He wore a question mark for tail, An overcoat of gray, He sat up straight to eat a nut. He liked to tease and play, And if we ran around his tree, He went the other way." Wore- had on one's body as clothing or decoration Tease- make fun This is a small poem that describes squirrels’ playful behaviours. The little beautiful animals of nature squirrels have long and bushy tails. They often curl it upward that resembles the shape of a question mark. Many squirrels have grey fur that cover their body. Squirrels always sit upright on their hind legs and hold food with their front paws. Basically, it happens when they eat nut. The little squirrels always engage in playful behaviour. They are seen darting around a tree, chasing each other. When people or animals approach them during their playful behaviour, they move quickly in opposite direction. Sometimes they leave the tree. This poem explains an amusing beh